UI/UX Designer

CodeSapiens is an online community of developers. The platform will offer a host of valuable resources to the developer community. Some of which include technical courses (video + text content), a world-class developer coding environment, internships, and opportunities with leading start-ups and companies in India and globally.


About the Role:


We are looking for a UI/UX Designer to turn our platform (website/app) into an easy-to-use product for our clients.

UI/UX Designer responsibilities include gathering user requirements, designing graphic elements, and building navigation components. To be successful in this role, you should have experience with design software and wireframe tools. If you also have a portfolio of professional design projects that include work with web/mobile applications, we’d like to meet you.


Ultimately, you’ll create both functional and appealing features that address our clients’ needs and help us grow our customer base.



  • Gather and evaluate user requirements in collaboration with product managers and engineers
  • Illustrate design ideas using storyboards, process flows, and sitemaps
  • Design graphic user interface elements, like menus, tabs, and widgets
  • Build page navigation buttons and search fields
  • Develop UI mockups and prototypes that clearly illustrate how sites function and look like
  • Create original graphic designs (e.g. images, sketches, and tables)
  • Prepare and present rough drafts to internal teams and key stakeholders
  • Identify and troubleshoot UX problems (e.g. responsiveness)
  • Conduct layout adjustments based on user feedback
  • Adhere to style standards on fonts, colors, and images



  • 2-3 years of work experience as a UI/UX Designer or similar role
  • Portfolio of design projects
  • Knowledge of wireframe tools (e.g. Wireframe.cc and InVision)
  • Team spirit; strong communication skills to collaborate with various stakeholders
  • Good time-management skills
  • Degree in Design, Computer Science or relevant field


Salary :   0 1



Job Type : Full Time
Job Location :     Gurugram, India
Job Posted :    27 Mar 2024