The Best Job Boards for UX and Product Design Opportunities in 2024

Searching for the right UX design opportunity can be tiring and tedious. While there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution, We can provide a starting point with the job boards listed below. These resources offer a variety of UX and Product Design positions, suitable for all skill and experience levels.

Each of these platforms has unique features and benefits, tailored to different needs and preferences. From comprehensive filtering options and job alerts to specialized boards for remote roles or design-focused communities, there's something for every designer. Exploring these job boards can help you uncover opportunities that align with your career goals and personal circumstances, making your job search more manageable and effective. Dive in and find the perfect platform to kickstart your next UX design adventure. is a leading platform for finding UX design job listings. The site offers a range of tools to enhance your job search experience.


  • Well-curated list of job postings with a focus on quality

  • Wide range of job postings across various industries and skill levels

  • Easy-to-use interface with robust filtering options for job search

  • Frequently updated job board making sure users discover new opportunities with each visit 


Coroflot is a design-focused job board with a vast number of UX design job listings. It also features a portfolio section, an excellent way for UX designers to showcase their work.


  • Large community of designers and creatives

  • Filtering options for job search

  • Most job listings are based in the U.S.A.

UI/UX Jobs Board

UI/UX Jobs Board is dedicated to UI/UX design positions with a focus on quality over quantity. It offers a curated selection of job listings, making it easier for UX designers to find high-quality and relevant job opportunities. Additional resources include career advice and a design portfolio review service.


  • Specifically dedicated to UI/UX job postings

  • Limited location options

Authentic Jobs

Authentic Jobs is a premium job board focused on creative and design-oriented positions, an excellent resource for UX designers seeking unique opportunities. The site is updated regularly and features a broad range of UX design jobs, including both on-site and remote positions.


  • Well-curated list of job postings with a focus on quality

  • Many job listings for top tech companies

  • Limited filtering options for job search

  • Relatively low volume of job postings compared to some other boards


Toptal is a highly selective job board that connects top-tier UX designers with high-paying clients. It is ideal for mid to senior-level designers seeking remote or freelance work.


  • High-quality job postings from top companies

  • Toptal team matches UX designers with suitable job opportunities

  • Highly selective screening process to join the network

  • Commission-based pay structure may not suit all UX designers

UX Jobs Board

UX Jobs Board is dedicated exclusively to UX design jobs. It offers a wide range of job listings from both small and large companies, making it an excellent resource for designers of all levels.


  • Dedicated job board specifically for UX design roles

  • Large number of job postings across various industries and skill levels

  • Job postings may not always include salary information

  • Limited filtering options for job search


Remotive is a job board featuring remote job listings across various industries, including UX design. It is a great resource for designers who prefer to work from home or have a flexible work schedule.


  • Dedicated job board specifically for remote roles

  • Wide range of job postings across various industries and skill levels

  • Job postings can be limited in certain geographic locations

  • Limited filtering options for job search

Smashing Magazine Jobs

Smashing Magazine Jobs features UX design positions from top companies around the world. Known for its high-quality job listings, the site is updated frequently.


  • High-quality job postings from top companies

  • Well-curated list of job postings with a focus on quality

  • No specifically stated remote positions offered

  • Limited filtering options for job search

UX Collective Jobs

UX Collective Jobs features UX design positions from companies globally. The site offers a wide range of job listings, including both full-time and freelance positions, and is known for its curated content like articles and tutorials for UX designers.


  • Dedicated job board specifically for UX design roles

  • Large number of job postings across various industries and skill levels

  • Limited filtering options for job search

AIGA Design Jobs

AIGA Design Jobs features design-oriented positions, including UX design jobs, primarily in the US.


  • Wide range of job postings across various industries and skill levels

  • Easy-to-use interface with good filtering options for job search

  • Limited job postings compared to some other boards

  • U.S.A. only


RemoteOK is a job board with remote job listings across various industries, including UX design. It is updated regularly and offers a broad range of job listings, making it an excellent resource for remote work seekers.


  • Dedicated job board specifically for remote roles

  • Wide range of job postings across various industries and skill levels

  • Unique filtering options for location, salary, and benefits


Indeed is a general job board with listings across various industries, including UX design. It is an excellent resource for a wide range of job opportunities and a great place for designers starting their job search.


  • Large number of job postings across various industries and skill levels

  • Robust filtering options for job search

  • Limited specifically stated remote positions offered

  • Job postings can be of varying quality and legitimacy


LinkedIn is a professional networking platform featuring job listings across various industries, including UX design. It is excellent for building a professional network and finding new job opportunities.


  • Large number of job postings globally across various industries and skill levels

  • Easy-to-use interface with robust filtering options for job search

  • Limited specifically stated remote positions offered

  • Job postings can be of varying quality and legitimacy

We Work Remotely

We Work Remotely is dedicated to remote work opportunities across various industries, including UX design. Designers can browse a variety of remote job listings, from part-time to full-time roles, and filter results by category, type of employment, and location. Email alerts for specific job categories are also available.


  • Dedicated job board specifically for remote roles

  • Wide range of job postings across various industries and skill levels

  • Unique and robust filtering options


Dribbble offers a job board featuring UX design positions from top companies. UX designers can browse job listings, upload resumes and portfolios, and apply directly.


  • Large community of designers and creatives

  • Many job postings for UX design roles at top tech companies

  • Straightforward and useful filtering options for job search


Dedicated exclusively to UX design jobs, UXcel offers a wide range of job listings, from junior to senior roles. Job seekers can browse job listings by job title, location, and company, and sign up for email alerts for specific categories. UXcel also offers resources like career advice and industry insights.


  1. Dedicated job board specifically for UX design roles
  2. Large number of job postings across various industries and skill levels
  3. Straightforward and useful filtering options for job search