Maximizing your content potential: How to repurpose your content for greater reach

As a freelancer, you have to produce high-quality content as part of your job. Your content, whether it's blog posts, social media updates, or marketing materials, promotes your brand and expertise. Coming up with new ideas and developing new material on a regular basis, on top of that, can be time-consuming and daunting. This is where content repurposing comes into play. You may save time, better distribute the value provided in those postings, enhance your reach, and make the most of your efforts by reusing current material. In this article, we'll look at the benefits of content repurposing for freelancers and give some advice on how to reuse your material efficiently.


What is content repurposing?

Repurposing is the process of changing current content into something fresh and useful. As a freelancer, this entails repurposing previously produced content in new formats or for other platforms. You may, for example, transform a blog article into a video or podcast episode, or build social media postings from a lengthier piece of material. You can also collect a series of connected blog posts into an e-book. Repurposing your old content helps you to reach a larger audience without having to start from zero each time. It may also save you time and money while still offering great material to your audience.


Why content repurposing is important?

1. Content for Multiple Use

Content that performs well in one area is more likely to do well in other areas. For example, a particularly successful blog article that is generating traffic to your website may be turned into a printed pocket guide.


 2. Broaden Your Online Presence While Repurposing Your Content

With content repurposing, you can keep delivering high-quality content across several pipelines without having to gnaw your nails over developing fresh material.


What's more intriguing is that it allows you to reclaim previously released content. At times, the problem is not with the substance, but with the medium. In these circumstances, reusing material can help you maximise your return on investment and work!


3. Assists you in reaching out to new audience members

Simply, outdated material does not have the same reach as fresh stuff. Similarly, certain groups of your audience are more likely to be visual learners, while others are more likely to be audio learners, and so on.


Republishing a previous piece of content to bring it in front of your new and devoted fans might be the answer to your troubles!


As a result, repurposing material into other kinds of media is an excellent approach to broaden your reach to the various segments of your target audience.


4.Saves Time

Creating fresh material from scratch may be time-consuming and difficult, especially if you have other things to do. Repurposing material helps you to use the work you've previously done, saving you time and resources.


5.Increase Engagement

Repurposing material can also help you increase your audience's engagement. Sharing a popular blog article on social media, for example, may help you start a dialogue with your followers and inspire them to contribute their ideas and experiences. Repurposing your content may help you keep it fresh and relevant while also increasing audience involvement.


6.Enhances Your SEO

Having more material online helps to boost your SEO (search engine optimisation). The more pages of quality information you have, the easier search engines can recognise you as a reputable, dependable source of information.



How to select content for repurposing?


Evergreen content

Look for information that has a lengthy shelf life and will remain relevant over time. This is known as evergreen content, and it includes subjects such as "How-to" instructions and industry trends. Because it can be utilized across numerous platforms and media without becoming old, evergreen content is great for repurposing.


Content that is Multimedia-Friendly

Some forms of content are simpler to repurpose into other formats than others. A blog article containing a lot of graphics or graphs, for example, is great for turning into a video or social media post. When deciding what to repurpose, consider the multimedia possibilities of your material.


Previously Successful Content

Content that has historically done well for you is almost always published on a great topic that is both relevant to your audience and well-crafted. After all, reusing material isn't just about updating something; it may also mean taking your popular blog article and turning it into an infographic.


Topics That Are Relevant Once Again

Trends and tastes in your target audience are certain to shift throughout time. What drew them in a few months ago may no longer be enticing to them now. Consumer trends and tastes, on the other hand, frequently repeat themselves.


Keeping the above in mind, it's all about recycling previously released information to make it relevant once more.




Different ways to repurpose content 

Turning blog posts into social media content: Use snippets from your blog posts to create social media updates. This can assist to attract new followers and stimulate participation.


Blog articles to videos: Use software like Lumen5, Animoto, or Adobe Premiere Rush to convert your blog posts into video material. Video content may assist you in reaching a larger audience and increasing engagement.


Podcasting your blog posts: Record yourself reading your blog article or discussing its topic and turn it into a podcast episode. This can assist you in reaching out to new audiences and providing a more engaging experience.


Blog posts from social media material: If you've developed interesting social media content, consider turning it into a full blog article. This allows you to deliver more extensive information while also attracting more people to your website.


Using applications like Kapwing, InShot, or Adobe Premiere Rush, you may convert your social network postings into video material. This might assist you in reaching a larger audience and increasing interaction.


Converting social media posts into infographics: Use software like Adobe spark, Canva, Piktochart, or Venngage to convert your social media posts into infographics. Infographics are readily shared across platforms and provide important information in a visually attractive manner.



E-books based on blog post series: Use services like Calibre or Pressbooks to compile a series of connected blog articles into an e-book. This will allow you to deliver more detailed information to your audience while also increasing your authority in your field.


Webinars based on blog post series: Turn a blog post series into a webinar or online course. This can help you provide your audience a more involved experience and enhance engagement.


Presentations created from blog posts: Use tools like PowerPoint or Google Slides to convert a blog article into a presentation. This allows you to give visual aids to your viewers while also making your material more interesting.



Case studies based on blog posts: If you've published a blog post on a specific customer or project, think about turning it into a case study. This will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and acquire new clients.


Convert Quora Q&As into Blog Posts: Quora is an internet platform that provides users with a wide selection of questions on a variety of topics.

Simply choose a good question and then write a blog post with an answer. To end, submit an answer on Quora with a link to your more in-depth blog post response.

It's never been easier to increase traffic!


Utilize old photographs as post backgrounds: Do you have high-quality images that you've only used once? Use these as post backgrounds. As long as you adhere to the Instagram size limitations, you may use these photographs as the background for quotations extracted from blog articles, or just share the images on their own to bring attention to a previous project.


Make advantage of user-generated material: User-generated content might range from product page evaluations to one-time tweets from a delighted consumer. Although it may appear that things are only useful in their original channel, they may be adapted for social media.


Reshare social media content from your other accounts: Although it may appear complicated, you may repost information from your social media platforms to your other social media profiles.

Taking a screenshot of a Facebook post to publish on LinkedIn, a snapshot of a YouTube thumbnail to advertise a new video on your Instagram Story, or a screenshot of a Tweet for your Instagram profile are all examples of this.




Freelancers may save time, attract new audiences, and give compelling material to their following by recycling content in these many ways. Be innovative and try out different forms to see what works best for you and your audience.